It’s preliminary, so I’m unable to divulge details just yet.

But it appears that the Triple S super-hero costume in which I galavanted around Oak Park for the holiday season some 18 months ago may soon be making a re-appearance.
It would be for another local cause, it would be in the near future and, I am happy to note, it would entail somebody else wearing it.
I realize not everyone has yet been exposed to what I’m alluding to, so you can check out the Super Shopper Spotter campaign that Inside Edge PR coordinated between Thanksgiving and Christmas 2009: here is the Shop the Village 2009 blog that I created, as part of the local effort to spur on local shopping.
And that effort came on the heels of the inaugural Shop the Village campaign.
If nothing else, and if you’re primed for a good laugh, check out some of the clips of Super Shopper Spotter in action.