Growing up, I learned early on about A.D. and B.C.
Around the same time, I discovered ABC, NBC and CBS, and how those three channels dominated images that emanated from something called a TV.

Along the way, I’ve encountered other acronyms, be they musical groups (BTO, for Backhman-Turner Overdrive; and CSNY, for Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) or Internet-induced abbreviations, like LOL (laughing out loud) and ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing).

And BCC, too. That stands for “blind carbon copy” and it’s a magical e-mail function that all too many otherwise-intelligent individuals have yet to discover or continue to refuse to apply. By using the BCC address field, you conceal the identities of those to whom you are sending the e-mail.

Amazingly, sadly, among this group of BCC boycotters is the occasional publicist.

The second word in “public relations” offers a hint that (positive, fruitful) relationships are central to a publicist’s success. Yet just a few minutes ago, a publicist from a decent-sized Chicago-based company (self-dubbed as “Specialists in Mission-Driven Marketing”) just sent an e-mail to me and 60 others whose last name begins with “B.”

I recognize one other person’s name on the list, but the rest are strangers to me. Strangers who now have my e-mail address and, fortunately, will use much better sense than to spam me as this publicist did. I suspect that right now, he’s blazing through the alphabet, onto the letter “R” by now, and sending his hastily created emails to upwards of 1,000 people.

Driven, for sure. But the mission and marketing are sorely lacking.

And he really ought to delete “FW:” from the prior mass e-mail that he sent and come up with something more creative than “thought you might like to see our newsletter.”

Moral of the story: if you are ever in a position of sending e-mails to a large group of people who are not connected to one another beyond simply being in your e-mail address book, then use BCC.

2 thoughts on “An FYI You Want To Apply ASAP: Use BCC!

  1. Janet Hughes says:

    Love the post about acronyms, Matt. Now I finally know what ROTFL means!!!

    Thanks for reminding us to remove addresses when forwarding emails. Sadly, there are villians who steal information and sell it.

    BCC is A-OK! LOL

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