Like other professional writers and editors, I can’t just “turn off” my editing hat when I’m not devoted to a work-related task.
Billboards, posters, disclaimers on pharmaceutical commercials—all of those platforms, and more–are fair game.
So two weeks ago, when I literally couldn’t help but notice Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle’s bio had a glaring omission in its opening sentence, I felt an obligation to alert her communications team.

She has an active Twitter account, so I figured sending a note there would be all it took to set things straight.
Not quite, at least as of this writing. You can read more on this topic at my Examiner column.
It’s not a piece I set out to write. As you can see, I simply wanted to offer some collegial support. I know I appreciate it when others alert me to one of my own errors, so I can make the necessary fix.
Anyhow, for the oversight and their continued lack of action, President Preckwinkle’s communications team has earned a “Medill F”–that refers to my journalism school’s stringent standard of bestowing an “F” on even minor errors.
A post-script: by 11 p.m. July 3rd, the evening after the above-noted Examiner column had been posted, someone had corrected President Preckwinkle’s bio. Apparently, the chronic miscue had come to someone’s attention. Should I waive the Medill F?