Two years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Keith J. Taylor when he appeared as my guest on “A Beer With Baron.”
Humble, humorous and grateful, this talented cartoonist was a joy to interview.
It was my first segment at One Lake Brewing, on the border of Oak Park and Chicago, after 10 BWB interviews that I conducted at The Beer Shop in Downtown Oak Park. I had visions of conducting a variety of interviews in this new venue, but COVID-19 intervened in early 2020. Turns out that Keith may well have been my final round of this locally produced show for the Village of Oak Park.

I knew Keith’s medical struggles continued but was unaware of the extent until I learned the very sad news of Keith’s death last week from Charlie Meyerson, whose Chicago Public Square was a frequent forum for the cartoonist’s creations. As this tribute by one of Keith’s family members noted, his generosity “extended beyond his death: He donated his body to science to help better others’ lives.”