Tag Archives: news release tips

Yo, Publicists: Leave Breathlessness to the Media

Think back to the last time you were left panting desperately for air. Maybe you were dashing to catch a plane or were trying to outrun a pursuer—on a playing field or, God forbid, in a more sinister context. Whatever the scenario, it’s fairly safe to say that it was an exception to the rule […]

Positively Weary Of the Annoyingly Premature Appositive

Over the past few weeks, I have met with a pair of prospective clients. Both are excellent companies, national in scope and doing some outstanding, innovative work that fill major needs in the market. Alas, both have news releases that suffer from the same ailment that beset countless others with white-noise writers at the helm: […]

Merging Content Opens Story-Telling Avenues

When Dr. Richard Powell sees a new patient in pain, he can empathize perfectly: that was how he first encountered the world of chiropractic. So starts a recent Inside Edge PR news release on behalf of Dr. Richard Powell of HealthSource of Elmhurst. The rest of the release, headlined “His Pain Leads To Others’ Gain: […]