February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, so there’s no better time to get the word out about the importance of proper dental care for youngsters.
Dr. Jerry Udelson, a successful pediatric dentist in Forest Park, is tying in the national awareness campaign with a mini-barnstorming tour on the local level here in the near western suburbs of Chicago.
But disseminating information is only part of the equation. As Udelson has recognized since he opened Children’s Dentistry of Forest Park, a fundamental part of the pediatric dental experience is “fun.”
It’s smart human relations, and it also makes for outstanding public relations–to transform what can be a scary moment for kids into a form of play.
Udelson, the father of four young children, exports the festive atmosphere of his clinic to each of his presentations. They include hands-on activities as the doctor discusses primary teeth, tooth function and why healthy habits are important. Every child receives a fun goody bag to take home.
Founded in 2004 and with the memorable “Fluo-rider” vehicle and colorful “Little Teeth Big Smiles” slogan, Udelson’s practice has grown to become one of the most recognized and respected pediatric dentistry practices in the region, as reflected by multiple awards it has garnered from family and business organizations.
Children’s Dentistry also offers one of the most enjoyable experiences, with an “Under the Sea” theme decked out with colorful floor-to-ceiling murals, an 8-foot circular saltwater fish tank, and video and computer games.
A pediatric dentist since 1989, Udelson has carefully assembled a welcoming, warm staff composed of individuals who possess expertise in pediatric dental knowledge and a genuine love for working with children. And fun, as noted above, is a central ingredient.
That emphasis was rewarded recently in voting on Red Tricycle, a family-centered website. Children’s Dentistry outpolled nine other Chicago-area pediatric dentistry practices to receive the area’s “Most Awesome Award” in the Happiest Dentist Offices category.
In conjunction with National Children’s Dental Health Month,
here are some of the upcoming speaking engagements by Udelson:
*River Forest Public Library, 735 Lathrop Ave. on Monday, Feb.
4, from 1:30 to 2 p.m.
*Forest Park Library, 7555 W. Jackson, on Thursday, Feb. 7, from
10:30 to 11 a.m.
* River Forest Community Center, 8020 W. Madison, on Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; and at
*Rose K. Goedert Center for Early Childhood Education, on the
campus of Dominican University, 7200 W. Division St., River Forest, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 20.
All of Dr. Udelson’s talks are free. For more details about Children’s Dentistry of Forest Park, or to arrange for a presentation from Dr. Udelson, call 708-FUN-KIDS (386-5437) or email kerri@little-teeth-big-smiles.com.