Category Archives: Public Relations

Chill On The Obama Countdown, Tribune!

Here in Chicago, the countdown is on, ticking down the days before Barack Obama is inaugurated as President of the United States. While I understand and appreciate the excitement, it strikes me as a tad overblown to have the countdown be by the second, as it is on the Trib’s website. Tempering the Tribune’s online […]

In Praise Of the Urban Land Institute

I receive zero compensation for sick days and vacation, I pay for my family’s medical insurance out of my own pocket, and my boss–the guy I see in the mirror–often orders me to show up for work before 7 a.m. But as I approach my 10th anniversary of self-employment, I wouldn’t have it any other […]

Media Pro Offers Top Tips To Get On Oprah

You may have heard of this woman who lives in Chicago. She goes by the unusual name of–what was that name again?–oh, yeah: Oprah! I jest, of course. Oprah may be more popular than her good pal, President-elect Barack Obama. And she has staying power, now in the midst of what would probably be her […]

No Guinness World Record, Doggone It!

The mass dog wedding that I publicized, I Do, Doggone It!, may have set a record for the most same-sex dog “marriages” on Saturday in downtown Oak Park. However, that is not yet a sanctioned Guinness World Record category. So the 87 total marriages, while certainly one of the biggest in pooch history, fell shy […]

An Open Invitation To The Obama Girls

It’s not every day that you invite the President-elect’s daughters to come to a mass dog wedding. But when it comes to a great cause, has a logical link to a pledge that Barack Obama made before the world on Tuesday night, and Sasha and Malia just happen to be in the neighborhood anyway…well, it […]

Listen Up! Follow Studs Terkel’s Example

In September, I was invited to speak to a gathering of the Illinois Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. As an association member was preparing my name tag, he asked how I should be described. Since I was going to be addressing the group, the logical answer might have seemed to be “speaker.” But, really, […]

REALTOR Blog Hails The Wizard of Roz

REALTOR magazine senior editor Wendy Cole today posted a piece (“A WICKED Good Time To Buy”) on the marketing exploits of Realtor Roz Byrne, which I wrote about yesterday. You could say it’s a “spook-tacular” ditty, but you’d merely be echoing a turn of phrase that Wendy employs in the “Speaking of Real Estate” space […]

Mobile Billboard Advertising Should Stay

The same fine folks who specialize in wasteful spending via patronage and other forms of bureaucratic bumbling–I refer, in this case, to the Chicago City Council–now are considering telling mobile advertising units to go away. The latest example of government lackeys’ penchant for sticking their noses where it’s neither desired or necessary is a proposal […]